Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lucky Charms 9/10/08

I am going to call this section Lucky Charms. It will be where I do not feel like writing a whole article and just want to have a few quick posts.
  • Ambiorix Wayne Burgos was arrested yesterday for beating his wife. Wow. This truly disappoints me because I liked this guy. I thought and still think that he has a chance to be a good major league relief pitcher. I was hoping it was going to be with the Mets but now I have changed my mind and he is now on my shit list. I do not like guys on my team with bad character. I never supported the Mets trading for Sheffield because of his personality. I even try to avoid picking guys I do not like for my fantasy team (assholes, hot heads, wife beaters, Braves, etc.). Hopefully Burgos will raise his value within the next year and the Mets can trade him.
  • Being in Boston I do not get to watch Mets games so I've been watchin Red Sox games with my roommate who is a Red Sox fan. Sunday and Monday night we questioned Francona bringing in Papelbon with a 6 run lead on Sunday (and the Rays coming to town the next day) and bringing him in in the 8th on Monday. As the post-season draws closer we figured you would want him to be rested not overused. Sure enough Tuesday night Papelbon blows the game against the Rays with a chance to take first place in the division. We knew it was a bad idea and hate when managers make odd moves like that.
  • Mets should not sign K-Rod next year. (I'll do a full article on that later)
  • My current picks for the awards. AL MVP: Pedroia BOS, NL MVP: Delgado NYM, AL Cy Young: Cliff Lee CLE, NL Cy Young: Lincecum, NL ROY: Soto CHC, AL ROY: Longoria TBR (I'll also do a full article on awards later on)
  • Why hasn't Jerry Manuel used Al Reyes? Why didn't Omar call up Nixon? I feel both could be solid contributors on the field and off the field (Nixon).
  • What happened to Aaron Heilman? He is either very good or very very bad this year. I honestly really like him and his talent. The Mets would be making a mistake to cut him so people should stop calling for that.
  • I hate when fans boo members of their own team.
  • Stop the wave at baseball games.
  • Any ideas for the favorite/hate teams on the side of the page are welcome.
  • Also, Thanks J-Money for the Blog title. It sounds better than Leprechaun Baseball.
That's all for now,
The Red King


Anonymous said...

That's right!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rory the Red King
His name makes me spontaneously sing
Till my pone goes ring ring
I pick it up its my Chinese girl Ming
Shes like yo let me see that dingaling
Im like nah son i gotta vajingaling

Anonymous said...

rory, honestly, delgado for MVP? its gotta be aramis ramirez. The mets have 3 guys with 100+ rbi's, ramirez is the only guy on the cubs. He has the better avg, better OBP, more hits, more doubles, more walks, less K's, only 1 less rbi, and plays better defense. The cubs would be dead if he did not have the season he's having. Also, if the mets miss playoffs, Ryan Howard would prolly get it.

The Red King said...

I can't tell if your serious about Aramis Ramirez. I probably be able to tell if I knew who you were. But anyway, Aramis Ramirez? I haven't really thought of him. His defense is not that good so I don't think that would make any impact on the voting. Statistically you could make the argument for him but the Cubs have been fine even when he goes on his cold streaks. Delgado is the difference maker in the Mets line-up as shown by their record before June 27th and after (day when Delgado turned it on). I'll put up a post about why Delgado at this point should be MVP.

Anonymous said...

dustin pedroia should get mvp of both leagues. just for his initials being D.P. He's the double penetrator of the league. He leads off and cleans up. AT THE SAME TIME.

Anonymous said...

"Also, if the mets miss playoffs, Ryan Howard would prolly get it."----is that guy serious? a guy hitting .230 can win an MVP????

Anonymous said...

yes, i was serious on both accounts. Howard is now hitting over 245 and is carrying the Phillies into the playoffs (as of now a division title). Howard is blowing everyone away in homers and RBI's. W/o howard, the phillies are DEAD. In the AL, i think carlos quentin should get serious consideration, since w/o him the white sox have no hitting, as we've seen with him being out. He's hitting 290 with 100 rbis and 36 homers. Steven Delianites

The Red King said...

NOW I could probably say that Howard deserves some series consideration. 11 days ago not as much. Quentin without a doubt was MVP in my mind before the injury but now I gotta go with Pedroia.

Anonymous said...

BTW rory, they just had a discussion on who should b AL MVP and they picked pedroia too. I didnt even think about morneau who is having a nice season until they brought him up. Pedroia probably wins it though. Steven Delianites

The Red King said...

Yea I read the opening thing on there. Morneau should definitely be in the discussion but I still think its Pedroia.